It may seem odd to follow an item on flooding with a request for residents to water the trees, particularly since we have had a wet summer, but during periods of hot weather the young trees can suffer so please read on.

You may recall in our June 2023 newsletter we reported on newly planted trees across Chorleywood courtesy of Herts County Council (HCC). When these trees are planted they are protected by a wire mesh, and have a distinctive green bag around the base for water. This bag is designed to hold a supply of water that is gradually released. HCC arrange for these bags to be filled from time to time,

Unfortunately we have found that many of these bags have been damaged and no longer retain the water. This damage appears to happen with the surrounding grass on the verge is cut by the council workers using a high speed strimmer.

We have reported this to the council and asked that these are replaced, and workers reminded to take care when cutting.  In the meantime, please keep a lookout during hot spells for young trees on nearby verges that are in need of water and give them a bucket or two, please!

This news item will be automatically archived on Friday September 27th, 2024