The two applications to develop housing to the east of Green Street went to TRDC Planning Committee for a preliminary discussion where Councillors could raise any issues that they felt TRDC Officers needed to work on. 

There’s still no report from Hertfordshire Highways, who required additional data from the applicant. Presentations were made by a member of the public, the Parish Council and a ward Councillor. The points raised by these were taken on board by the Committee. Officers will now look further into the issues raised and Councillors will undertake a site visit. 

At the request of the Parish Council this visit will be not just to the site, but also to the junction of Station Approach / Green Street / Shire Lane and to the Common, timed to coincide with Clement Danes students going to or leaving school, so that Councillors can see the situation around the Station Approach / Green Street junction and the bridge under the railway.

This news item will be automatically archived on Sunday October 27th, 2024