A computer generated image of the new pavilion and café
There’s great excitement that work is starting on the Cricket Club’s new pavilion. The dilapidated 1960s building will be demolished during March, enabling the Cricket Club to grow and extend opportunities to play cricket to girls, women and people with disabilities. There will be a café run by the charity Mission EmployAble which, in conjunction with Bucks College, will train young adults with learning disabilities via supported internships. The café will be open every day, serving delicious home-made food for snacks, light lunches and afternoon teas.
The project is the culmination of months of hard work by the Cricket Club and Mission Employable, to create a special place that can be enjoyed by everyone in Chorleywood. The Cricket Club and Mission EmployAble will work hard to protect the Common during the building works and minimise inconvenience to residents. The site will be protected by contractor Boom Construction Ltd, with secure and newt fencing as recommended by the ecologist, plus parking and welfare facilities for the contractor. The new building is due for completion in late 2021 / early 2022.
To learn more or to make a donation, visit: www.missionemployable.co.uk or www.cwcricket.org.
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