
As residents of Chorleywood ourselves, we are always keeping an eye out for anything that we think needs attention. Whether that’s potholes, faded road markings, failing surfaces or flooding, we ensure that the relevant bodies are notified and also ask our local councillors to help if required.

How to report faults and issues

Though we are always happy to support residents with any Highways Issues, we also wish to encourage residents themselves to raise complaints to the relevant authorities.  We appreciate that knowing which authority is responsible for which issue can feel like a bit of a minefield, but by clicking the REPORTING ISSUES button to the right you will find some clear guidelines on how to proceed. Once you’ve found your issue, we have provided an associated link which will take you to the right Council and provide the necessary options.

Latest News for Highways

Call for Gardeners

We hope you’re all enjoying the lavenders and geraniums in the village. We are always looking for volunteers to help maintain these sizeable flower beds, as well as the Memorial Garden. So if you have a an hour or two to spare every couple of months, we would really...

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Local Plan

The full results of the Regulation 18 Consultation on the new Local Plan are now available and over 90% of responses supported the adoption of the Low Growth / Green Belt Protection option. Whilst this will mean that there will be some development on Green Belt, it is...

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Green Street

No date for the applications to develop housing to the east of Green Street to be considered by the Three Rivers Planning Committee is, as yet, available but work is continuing in assessing the applications. It appears that Hertfordshire Highways are still evaluating...

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Footpath 18 – Burfield Road to Quickley Lane

Concerns had been raised with us about hedges bordering the footpath, which were beginning to encroach on the path. We raised this with Hertfordshire Council and, subsequently, with the Parish Council (in case they could help). The Parish Rangers have attended the...

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Berry Lane Roadworks

We share your frustration! Since Cadent Gas made it clear that they are answerable only to HCC and not residents, we contacted HCC to ask if there is anything that can be done to encourage Cadent to speed up their works and to provide more access. HCC have responded...

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Are you fed up with the Old Shire Lane quagmire?

The top of Old Shire Lane from where the Piggy Lane joins it to Philipshill Wood has been so damaged by vehicles turning at this end that it’s impassable without wellies after rain. It’s also very difficult on dry days, for walkers, cyclists and vehicles alike,...

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Chorleywood Parking Consultation, another well-kept secret?

Once again we’re extremely disappointed to find out late in the day about a TRDC consultation. A Chorleywood area-wide parking review consultation in 2021 gathered lots of residents’ views. The final design proposals went out for consultation recently, we don’t know...

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336 Bus Replacement Service

Red Rose Travel will start operating a replacement 336 bus service from 20th November 2023. New service route will operate North Watford, North Bushey, Watford High Street, Ascot Road, Croxley Green, Croxley and Rickmansworth. Please see this link for more...

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Chorleywood Parade Transformation

As you will no doubt have seen, the flowerbeds are really flourishing. It’s been heartening to see lots of honey and bumble bees feasting on the geraniums and the lavender. It’s taken a great deal of work and watering to get to this stage, and we’d like to say a huge...

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What’s the LCWIP?!

 We’ve learned some new jargon lately - thanks to the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan consultation.  If you missed our special newsletter on it last Monday click here for a copy.  The CRA will submit a detailed response.  Click here to see our comments...

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