
As residents of Chorleywood ourselves, we are always keeping an eye out for anything that we think needs attention. Whether that’s potholes, faded road markings, failing surfaces or flooding, we ensure that the relevant bodies are notified and also ask our local councillors to help if required.

How to report faults and issues

Though we are always happy to support residents with any Highways Issues, we also wish to encourage residents themselves to raise complaints to the relevant authorities.  We appreciate that knowing which authority is responsible for which issue can feel like a bit of a minefield, but by clicking the REPORTING ISSUES button to the right you will find some clear guidelines on how to proceed. Once you’ve found your issue, we have provided an associated link which will take you to the right Council and provide the necessary options.

Latest News for Highways

New fencing to protect our Parade flower beds

Our Parade flower beds are starting to show very welcome signs of spring. Unfortunately the plants at the roadside edges suffered from people walking across the beds and drivers treading on plants as they got out of parked cars. Our colleague Lisa took up the...

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Another Disappearing Post Box

The red pillar box opposite the Co-op in Lower Road disappeared without public warning this week, and with it the 5pm last collection. Lords, who commendably stepped up to run a community-based post office service when the old Post Office closed, understand a new post...

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Roughwood Lane – get your free permit!

Thanks to our November newsletter item lots of Chorleywood residents were able to respond to Bucks County Council’s consultation on closing Roughwood Lane to all vehicles, except for access. We’re pleased to say Bucks CC took note, and have decided on a much better...

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Old Shire Lane – good news, wellies no longer needed soon!

As we reported last June, the top of Old Shire Lane from Piggy Lane to Philipshill Wood has been so damaged by vehicles that it’s often impassable for walkers without wellies after rain - deeply flooded from hedge to hedge. It’s a bridleway with motorised vehicles not...

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Chorleywood station car park – Postscript

We’re pleased to see that the lights were adjusted to shine downwards, after we reported the residents' 3rd degree spotlight effect and had an onsite meeting with Saba to demonstrate the problem. It’s a big improvement. Unfortunately the posts are so high that the...

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336 Bus Replacement Service

Red Rose Travel will start operating a replacement 336 bus service from 20th November 2023. New service route will operate North Watford, North Bushey, Watford High Street, Ascot Road, Croxley Green, Croxley and Rickmansworth. Please see this link for more...

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Chorleywood Parade Transformation

As you will no doubt have seen, the flowerbeds are really flourishing. It’s been heartening to see lots of honey and bumble bees feasting on the geraniums and the lavender. It’s taken a great deal of work and watering to get to this stage, and we’d like to say a huge...

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What’s the LCWIP?!

 We’ve learned some new jargon lately - thanks to the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan consultation.  If you missed our special newsletter on it last Monday click here for a copy.  The CRA will submit a detailed response.  Click here to see our comments...

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Safety improvements at Chorleywood Bottom and Stag Lane

We’re pleased to hear that the implementation of 20mph limits at Chorleywood Bottom, Stag Lane, Old Shire Lane and Bullsland Lane will start soon. Meanwhile, design and legal work on the long-awaited zebra crossing for Chorleywood Primary school is underway. It’s...

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Map of upcoming roadworks

Hertfordshire County Council provide an interactive map on their website showing upcoming roadworks across the area.  You can access the map here or by clicking on the map image to the right. When you first load the map it is likely to be showing a different area to...

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