Latest News
We aim to keep residents informed of what is happening in and about Chorleywood and do this in a number of ways
- Each month we send a newsletter by email to everyone who has subscribed
- Twice a year we print our magazine ‘The Chorleywood Resident’ and distribute to all residents
- Where appropriate we put posters in the various noticeboards around the village
- We regularly post on Facebook and Twitter
And throughout this website you will see news and information items relevant to the page topic, with the most important also on the home page and a selection of recent items below.
Please Contact Us to let us of important news to share with the village.
Chorleywood Parish Council survey – have your say!
Our Parish council has just launched a Residents Survey, where you can give feedback on the CPC’s services and priorities. It’s easy to fill in, and...
Bucks CC consultation on permanent closure of Roughwood Lane
Bucks County Council have opened a consultation on proposals to permanently close Roughwood Lane to vehicles, except for access. They say "Roughwood...
Woodoaks Farm: Conservation Plan for the Future
Woodoaks are holding a Discovery Evening in The Black Barn at 6pm on Wednesday December 4th, to launch their conservation plans for the future....
Station car park lights: Good news / Bad news
We’re pleased to report that the station car park lights are working, and all the parking spaces are available again. However, the very bright...
Pumpkin’s Wildlife Hospital and Rehabilitation Centre
PWHRC is a wildlife hospital and rehabilitation charity based in Rickmansworth. Its mission is to save, protect and address the needs of British...
Hedgehog Gates
Meanwhile Chorleywood Parish Council are giving away free Hedgehog Highway Doors for residents to help local hedgehogs! Pick yours up at the Parish...
Chorleywood Common Greenspace Action Plan – have your say!
Chorleywood Parish Council, in partnership with Herts’ Countryside Management Service (CMS), have opened a consultation on a new 2 year extension to...
Chorleywood Parish Quiz Report
Chorleywood Parish Council's popular annual charity quiz night and auction on November 23rd at the Memorial Hall was another bumper affair, with 18...
New number for Chorleywood Care Volunteer Drivers
Chorleywood Care Volunteer Drivers gives local residents a lift to medical appointments. They provide a service which is much appreciated by local...