On Saturday 12th June, the CRA and Chorleywood Parish Council organised a litter pick day on the Common as part of the Keep Britain Tidy Campaign. We were joined by over 30 volunteers of all ages and it was heartening to see many young children enthusiastically joining in with their parents.
It was obvious to see how passionate everyone was about protecting our wonderful Common, and many sacks were collected sadly containing items ranging from pizza boxes, beer bottles and dog waste bags – which do not biodegrade as some dog owners’ seem to think!!
Thank you to everyone who volunteered and to Daniel and Mark our Common Rangers for helping out on their day off. Such was the success that we are looking to organise another event in September. For anyone wishing to volunteer please email lisa@chorleywoodresidents.co.uk
For residents wishing to learn more about our wonderful common, you will find various information and updates on the Friends of Chorleywood Common (FOCC) website, http://chorleywoodcommon.org.uk/ and in their most recent newsletter.
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