Local Cycling Walking Infrastructure Plan public consultation (LCWIP) – What does it mean for Chorleywood?
Herts County Council are consulting residents on proposals to encourage cycling and walking in Three Rivers. We support these aims, but Chorleywood is very hilly. Most of us have to drive at times, and some significant proposals will change our daily driving routes in Chorleywood.
Have your say – no response implies acceptance of the scheme!
Email your views to TRDC.LCWIP@Hertfordshire.gov.uk or use the map and response forms: search for LCWIP on TRDC’s website, deadline July 17th
The key proposals for vehicles, and their consequences are:-
Route 14: Closure of Shepherd’s Lane to vehicles under the M25 bridge
A “Political Priority” Route – Click here for detailed maps.
- Shepherds Lane is already lovely to cycle on, do we need to ban cars?
- Trips to William Penn Leisure Centre will have to use Berry Lane, and double back along Queen’s Drive, Oakfield or Chiltern Drive
- The same applies to journeys to Mill End schools or churches
- Longer journeys cause more congestion and pollution
Route 8: A cycle route over the Common, or if not possible Common Road to become a cycle route, and made one-way or closed for vehicles
A “Political Priority” Route – Click here for detailed maps.
- A cycle route on the Common is against the byelaws and controversial
- If Common Road is made one-way or closed to cars, traffic and pollution will be increased on the A404, Green Street, Berry Lane and Long Lane
Route 7: Closure of Shepherd’s Bridge to vehicles over the railway line
Part of this route is shown here.
- Traffic to & from the station car park funnelled through Chorleywood Bottom, with much of it using Lower Road
- Increased traffic under the Shire Lane railway bridge pinch-point, for those going up Green Street or to Common Road
Improving junctions and crossings for cyclists is good, do we need to close roads to cars and lengthen our car journeys as well?
Please make sure HCC hears your views, whatever they are!
Useful Links
- Have your say on long-term plan that improves walking and cycling in Three Rivers – TRDC Website
- Three Rivers Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan – HCC Website
- Three Rivers Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan – Final Report (PDF 2.6 MB, 81 pages)
- Overview of LCWIP – Three Rivers (PDF 1.6MB, 14 pages)
- The 5 cycling routes prioritised in Three Rivers – pages 10, 11
- Appendix A – Cycling and Walking Interventions (PDF 9.3MB, 58 pages)
- Route 8 – pages 20 to 31
- Route 14 – pages 32 – 36
- Full LCWIP Survey
- CRA Formal Complaint about the consultation process
- CRA LCWIP summary poster