The Parish Council are delighted to announce that they have a new website which they hope will be more user friendly and informative.

Chorleywood Parish Council (

  • On The Council tab, residents will find details about when Parish Council meetings are held, agendas and minutes, details of Councillors (including how to contact them) and finance related information
  • Click the Our Community tab for information about the Community Garden and Community Policing as well as a Community Noticeboard – please email if you would like CPC to highlight events, news etc.
  • On the Services tab you’ll find information on allotments, the Lawn Cemetery, the Common and Village Halls as well as how to access information about services provided by Three Rivers District and Hertfordshire County Councils
  • For information about the events CPC are holding, as well as the landing page click on Our events. Our next event is during half term – a Terrifying Treasure Trail on Chorleywood Common from 10am to 2.30pm on Thursday, 26 and Friday, 27 October.

The Parish Council would like to thank Daniel Bergonzi, one of last year’s Mission Employable interns, for supplying some of the photographs they have used.

Feedback is welcomed on how to improve the website further and if you have any photographs for inclusion please email: