This year’s AGM has now been confirmed as an in-person event and will take place at Chorleywood War Memorial Hall, on Wednesday 18th May 2022.
The AGM offers residents the opportunity to meet members of the CRA Committee, and to ask questions on a range of topics and issues. A vote will be held on re-elections and new candidates to join the CRA Committee.
We will also be joined by two sustainability experts as guest speakers. They will present on the global situation and the steps we can all be taking at a local level to tackle Climate Change: Charles Perry is the founder of Sustainable Future For All and consulted on the UN’s COP26, and Joanna Hewitson is the Climate Change & Sustainability Strategy Officer for Three Rivers District Council.
Doors open at 7.30pm for an 8pm start with refreshments provided. The meeting will conclude at 9.30pm, and you’re welcome to stay on and chat for a while afterwards. There is no charge for entry.
Do come along – we all look forward to seeing you there.
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