On Thursday a concerned resident alerted us that large groups of pupils had congregated in the village, resulting in lots of dropped litter and yet more destruction to our new flowerbeds. When they were approached and asked to pick up the litter at their feet and to not stand on the flowerbeds, they assumed a pack mentality.
Though it was good to see one boy duly pick up some litter, the majority continued to stand on the flower beds, killing yet more lavenders, asters and geraniums whilst continually answering back.
Their response was what did it matter if people trod on the flower beds “it’s not as important as if someone’s been stabbed.” They appeared to be in Years 7 – 9. One child calmly stood there picking off flower heads and shredding them onto the pavement. One boy even pulled his shorts down and then proceeded to run through the middle of several shrubs. It was at this point that we called the non-emergency police line, to ask them to come and help. They duly turned up and moved them away from the flowerbeds.
We know it’s not all of the pupils, some are utterly delightful and chat to you very happily and confidently. Some were having a lovely picnic sitting quietly on the plinth in the Memorial Garden. However, this pack mentality that some have, with a complete lack of respect for anything or anybody, is soul destroying. We have all worked so hard to try to make the village a prettier, nicer place to be, please help us to continue to do that.
If your children are meeting friends in the village, please remind them not to stand on any part of the flower beds and to put all their litter in the bins. Chorleywood will only ever be as good as we make it.
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