It’s great to see allotments in productive use at 3 allotment locations around the village. Keeping the fruit and veg watered is vital, so allotment holders at the Dog Kennel Lane site were surprised recently when the stand pipes were removed and replaced with dipping troughs. Chorleywood Parish Council has apologised for the lack of advance notice, which happened because the contractor started work on the site far earlier than expected. The change was driven by CPC’s Four-Year Vision, with emphasis on making the parish council’s operations sustainable. The aim of the change is both to avoid water being wasted and reduce water consumption.
CPC accepts that it should have given plot holders advance notice, and has apologised for the oversight. They will put a procedure in place to ensure plot holders have advance notice of planned works in future.
For information, CPC have recently sent this notice to allotment holders and encourages plot holders to review the Open Spaces Committee agendas for any future items affecting allotments, at