LCWIP consultation – what happens next?

The joint HCC / TRDC consultation on walking and cycle routes closed on 17th July, our thanks to everyone in Chorleywood who responded. The responses from Chorleywood were numerous – a majority of all responses submitted. Officers are now compiling a report on the consultation for Councillors to consider and decide on actions.

We were pleased to receive a response to our formal complaint about the consultation process from Cllr Richard Roberts, Leader of Herts County Council. He acknowledged our key points and, importantly, assured us that nothing is going anywhere concerning Chorleywood until there has been further dialogue, which will include CRA and our local Councillors. Many of our local Councillors also expressed serious concerns over the proposals, and have assured us that nothing will be imposed in Chorleywood which is against the wishes of our residents.  

We will keep you informed!

LCWIP consultation – accurate information

We were concerned to see references to “misleading information” being circulated about the LCWIP in a recent LibDem leaflet. We’re therefore pleased to have received the following assurance from our three local LibDem Councillors:

We just wanted to provide you with our clarification regarding any references made in our Chorleywood Focus: Summer 2023. Any references in that newsletter/leaflet to “misleading information circulated” were in relation to leaflets distributed by other political parties about the LCWIP Consultation, and did not refer to any information circulated by the Chorleywood Residents Association.