As part of the Keep Britain Tidy Great Spring Clean Campaign, the CRA, with the support of the CPC, organised their third Common Litter Pick day. Though slightly chilly, we were blessed with a beautiful sunny, blue sky day, which saw nearly 50 volunteers of all ages come out and support us. Thank you to all of you for helping to make such a difference.
It was lovely to see some familiar faces and very encouraging to see lots of new volunteers, many being families with young children. It is heartening to see lots of wonderful, young ambassadors for our Common. Several dog walkers also joined in on the day. I think it’s safe to say that these dog walkers are not the ones responsible for leaving the dog poo bags across our beautiful Common, on the ground or in trees. There is never any reason to leave dog poo bags on the Common, except in the many dog bins provided by the Parish. Please pick it up and put it in the bin!
We are always torn between wanting people to find litter, so they feel it’s worthwhile, especially the children, and wishing there was no litter at all! We clearly had a very diligent group of litter pickers on Saturday, since we had our biggest collection to date. Sad as it is to see how thoughtlessly some people treat our precious Common, it feels good knowing that we left it that much cleaner, both for us and the wildlife to enjoy.
A big thank you to CPC and their rangers who do such a superb job at keeping our Common looking its best at all times, and a special thank you to Brendan and Luke for being there to welcome everyone and to clear away all the sacks of rubbish.
We will hold another litter pick in the Autumn, once the foliage has subsided, so if you’d be interested in joining in, please contact
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