The May talk at Chorleywood RSPB Group is open to the public. It will be held on Zoom. Everyone is welcome to join on Thursday 20th May, at 8.00pm, for a fee of £2.50 only, (payable later). The subject of the talk is ‘Wetlands for Wildlife and People’ by Josh Kalms. Josh works for the Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust. Affinity Water is working with the Trust, to conserve wetlands and their wildlife, at Hilfield Park Reservoir, Stockers Lake and Springwell Reedbed.
If you are unfamiliar with using Zoom, we have someone to help you. If you would like to be sent an invitation to hear and watch the talk, please phone 01923 897885.
(Photo of two Great Crested Grebes, taken by Tony Wright.)
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