If you haven’t already signed up with OWL, the Online Watch Link from Neighbourhood Watch, then you are missing out on useful news bulletins that help to keep our communities safe and reduce crime. Go to https://www.owl.co.uk/ and sign up there.
Recent items include:
- Giving victims a voice with Community Remedy – Outcomes for victims of low-level crime and anti-social behaviour are set to improve by allowing them to have a greater say in offender sanctions. Community Remedy gives victims a voice on how offenders should be dealt with by the police. There is a public consultation to find out what out-of-court conditions residents want to see included within an updated Community Remedy document for Hertfordshire. Go to www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/CL7Z7HJ. The survey closes at midnight on Monday October 23rd 2023.
- Reach Out Hertfordshire – Can You Help? – Reach Out is looking for people in Hertfordshire who can spare an hour a week to help an elderly person in their local area who is home from hospital and feeling lonely and isolated. You can register your interest here Helping People in Hertfordshire. Find out more here or contact Reach Out via email at reachout@nhcvs.org.uk or by calling 01462 689403.
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