Update 16th January 2022
Please refer to the new page under the Highways menu option for the latest information on this topic.
CRA believes that Herts County Council (HCC) will soon launch a final consultation about a 20mph proposal for most of Chorleywood. We understand that people will have many different views on the proposal, and have urged HCC to ensure that all Chorleywood residents are consulted, and have all the relevant information, to ensure that everyone can make a fully informed decision.
Our concern is that the proposal comes at a high price of more than 40 extra speed limit signs and road markings throughout Chorleywood, while the data does not show a significant speeding issue.
The background as we currently understand it:
- An initial Public Engagement flyer on the proposal was sent out in March 2020, but not to all Chorleywood households. You can see a copy here.
- The response rate threshold was set at 10%, with a minimum of 55% in favour for the scheme to move forward. These thresholds were met.
- We feel that a much higher response threshold must be set this time – a response from potentially just 5.5% of Chorleywood residents is not enough to justify the impact of the proposals.
The proposed 20mph roads are shown on the right. Click here or on the image to display full size.
- Note that Shire Lane, Blacketts Wood Drive and Chalfont Lane are not included – their speed limit will remain 30mph.
- At every change of speed limit point, national guidance requires speed limit signs and road markings facing both ways.
- By our count this means more than 40 extra speed limit signs with associated road markings spread around Chorleywood.
- In addition, 20mph speed limit repeater signs will be required every 200m on the 20mph roads.
- We have asked HCC to provide the exact number of speed limit signs, road markings and repeater signs involved.
A survey of average speeds on Chorleywood roads was carried out in early July 2019 – the results are shown on the right. Click here or on the image to display full size.
- There was no road in Chorleywood with an average speed greater than 30mph, and the proposed 20mph roads all had substantially lower average speeds.
- The scheme will have no additional police enforcement or physical traffic calming measures.
- Police enforcement is focused on the strategic road network, and at locations with a history of speed related collisions.
We understand and applaud HCC’s desire to encourage active walking and cycling, but do we really need a forest of road signage in order to reduce the limit to 20mph on roads where the average speed is already very low?
We urge all Chorleywood residents to consider carefully all the information that HCC provide, and respond with your views when the consultation is launched. The proposals will urbanise the village. It would be a great shame if the proposal is voted through and residents are later unhappy, in terms of both signage and effectiveness.
As soon as we get more information we will let you know through our newsletters, website, Facebook, Twitter and noticeboards.
Jane Tozer
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