A rare and attractive duck, a Smew, is currently attracting visitors to nearby Stocker’s Lake. At time of writing (February 21st) the bird has been seen every day for the last three weeks. (Picture Drake Smew at Stocker’s Lake, December 2022)

The Smew is a small, attractive, diving duck which is a rare winter visitor to the UK. Most years less than 200 birds are reported nationally and it has been several years since one was last recorded locally.

To see the Smew why not visit Stocker’s Lake? The bird is mobile and elusive at times. So you may need to visit more than once. But a walk around this local beauty spot takes only about an hour (from/to the Aquadrome Car Park) and should be worth the effort in itself.

For more information about both the Smew and Stocker’s Lake please visit www.fosl.org.uk.  Future events include “Heron and Egret Watch” on 26th March (from 1.00 to 4.00pm).