By Fabian Hiscock, Three Rivers Museum

There was a huge desire immediately after WW1 to commemorate the fallen, and almost every community had a war memorial of some sort. But not all the proposed designs were built, and the museum has been asked by the Arts University Bournemouth about one at Chorleywood. 

The story of the present Memorial Hall is well known. But what was the very much larger project in the photo? An architect’s model dating from about 1920 seems to show an impressive memorial facing what look like homes. 

Photo: The architectural model of what seem to be a proposed war memorial and housing development (Arts University Bournemouth).

The location should be identifiable from the road layout – but where was it? Was it a part of the deliberations before the Memorial Hall was chosen? If so, who commissioned this very fine design, and what happened to it?

The museum doesn’t know, but thought Chorleywood residents might be interested. If anyone can throw any light on this please e-mail

The Three Rivers Museum new display on South Oxhey is now open – Wednesday to Friday 2 to 4, Saturday 10 to 2.