Thanks to our Executive Committee member Lisa Stewart and some kind Chorleywood volunteers, a lovely display of spring bulbs awaits us early next year! 

The Parade flowerbeds continue to flourish, but they do require constant maintenance and care. Thank you to everyone who has stopped to say how much they like them and to thank Lisa and her team for all their work, it’s very much appreciated. They especially appreciated the lovely Prosecco bought by Tim and the box of chocolates from Russell School pupil, Harry, for which a huge thank you!

Maintaining the Parade beds is a huge commitment for the CRA and we really need a few more volunteers. We have weeding to do in the Memorial Garden, in all the eight beds and along the edges, as well as bulb planting, pruning, watering and grass cutting.  If you can spare even 30 mins to join one of our work parties, it would be lovely to see some new faces. We have plenty of spare gloves, kneelers and tools, we just need you! If you feel able to help, please contact  

We are striving to make the village an attractive place to visit, please help us to make Chorleywood “the best it can be.

Have you found a gold bracelet?

While planting the bulbs we also accidentally planted a gold bracelet. Have you found it?  If so please contact asap, you’ll make the owner very happy😊