The new Three Rivers Local Plan has now been issued for consultation. This is the first formal consultation on the plan (known as a Regulation 18 Consultation) and, though there are later consultations on the plan, this is probably the best chance for the public to effect change in the plan. This consultation will run until 23rd July.
Details on the process for Local Planning can be found here
The Local Plan is different from the Chorleywood Neighbourhood Plan, that was recently approved at referendum, as it covers the whole of Three Rivers, covers a wider range of policies than is possible in a Neighbourhood Plan and identifies a series of sites that will be developed over the next 15 years. Whilst the Neighbourhood Plan will be important in influencing development in the Parish, it cannot override the Local Plan and so it is vital that residents have their say on this plan.
Your association is currently undertaking an analysis of all the plan documentation and will provide summaries of this analysis, including our views on the proposals, over coming weeks. In the interim, this is a link to a summary of the sites proposed for development in Chorleywood;
To access the full Local Plan and supporting documentation, please go to;
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