Members of Chorleywood Choral Society (CCS) joined forces with players from Chorleywood Orchestra to perform in the Summer Concert at the Cedars Retirement Village on 30th June. The event raised £175 for Playskill – a local charity supporting pre-school age children with physical disability or delay.
Led by Christine Deeley, singers and musicians collaborated to present a programme of perennial favourites that delighted an audience of 40-50 residents. With Nick Cousins (bass/bassoon) acting as compere for the evening, much fun was had with the quiz questions too.
The feedback afterwards was positive and humbling in equal measure, with one resident explaining how important Singing for the Brain sessions had been for him and his late wife. Although she could not remember his name, she could recall every lyric from old songs.
It’s amazing what singing can do and mean to different people.
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