The parade beds continue to flourish, with our purple asters and geraniums struggling through the recent heat wave and now deluges!  Our Abelias are also establishing themselves showing us their delicate flowers. However, the weeds are also flourishing.

In order to brighten the village next Winter and Spring, we want to plant hundreds of different bulbs, to provide colour and cheer from February to June.

We’re organising combined weeding, pruning and bulb planting parties as follows:

  • Friday 29th September – 2pm to 5pm
  • Saturday 30th September – 10.30am to 1pm
  • Sunday 1st October – 9.30am to 11.30am

No knowledge, experience or tools are required, we’ll provide it all!  If you can provide just 30mins, we’d love to see you at the flowerbeds. Our village will only ever be as pretty and welcoming as we make it.

Please contact or just turn up on the day!