Call for Gardeners

We hope you’re all enjoying the lavenders and geraniums in the village. We are always looking for volunteers to help maintain these sizeable flower beds, as well as the Memorial Garden. So if you have a an hour or two to spare every couple of months, we would really...

Butterfly Numbers Soar on Chorleywood Common

A six-year study of butterfly populations on Chorleywood Common has revealed encouraging trends, with many species showing significant increases in numbers. The report, compiled by local members of the Hertfordshire & Middlesex branch of Butterfly Conservation,...

Nature Activity Morning on Chorleywood Common

This is a Parish Ranger led nature activity morning on Chorleywood Common on Thursday 29th August between 10:00 and 12:30.  Includes Bug Hunting, Pond Dipping and lots more.  Suitable for ages 4+ ( parent supervision will be required). £5 per child.  Book early as...

Greenspace Action Plan (GAP) for Carpenters Wood

The Countryside Management Service (CMS), part of Hertfordshire County Council’s Countryside and Rights of Way Service, on behalf of and in partnership with Three Rivers District Council (TRDC) is currently developing a new Greenspace Action Plan (GAP) for Carpenters...

Little Egret nest now being Live Streamed

Earlier this year we brought you news of a live stream from a Grey Heron nest at nearby Stocker’s Lake, home to the largest Heronry in Herts. The herons’ nesting season is now over with one young bird having successfully fledged that nest in May, but the camera is now...

Chorleywood Common – Dogs on Lead

Chorleywood Parish Council request that all dogs are kept on a short, 2m long lead during the period 1 March to 31 July inclusive in specific areas of the Common. This is to promote and protect breeding birds and other wildlife.  Chorleywood Common is a designated...