Chorleywood Village Day

Chorleywood Parish Council ran another very successful Village Day on Saturday 13th July. A huge thank you to everyone at the CPC, especially the rangers, who worked very hard to put on another great event. Thankfully, this year, the weather played ball and the rain...

Call for Gardeners

We hope you’re all enjoying the lavenders and geraniums in the village. We are always looking for volunteers to help maintain these sizeable flower beds, as well as the Memorial Garden. So if you have a an hour or two to spare every couple of months, we would really...

Local Plan

The full results of the Regulation 18 Consultation on the new Local Plan are now available and over 90% of responses supported the adoption of the Low Growth / Green Belt Protection option. Whilst this will mean that there will be some development on Green Belt, it is...

Green Street

No date for the applications to develop housing to the east of Green Street to be considered by the Three Rivers Planning Committee is, as yet, available but work is continuing in assessing the applications. It appears that Hertfordshire Highways are still evaluating...

Footpath 18 – Burfield Road to Quickley Lane

Concerns had been raised with us about hedges bordering the footpath, which were beginning to encroach on the path. We raised this with Hertfordshire Council and, subsequently, with the Parish Council (in case they could help). The Parish Rangers have attended the...

Butterfly Numbers Soar on Chorleywood Common

A six-year study of butterfly populations on Chorleywood Common has revealed encouraging trends, with many species showing significant increases in numbers. The report, compiled by local members of the Hertfordshire & Middlesex branch of Butterfly Conservation,...