Pictures from an active Grey Heron nest are currently being streamed live from nearby Stocker’s Lake courtesy of “Friends of Stocker’s Lake” (FoSL). To enjoy watching herons nesting, mating and (in due course) bringing up their young, all from the comfort of your armchair using a phone, tablet, laptop or PC, simply visit Here you will also find instructions on how to view earlier footage.

The first egg was filmed being laid on February 10th and in subsequent days two more eggs were added. All being well, the young birds should hatch in the second week of March. Even if this nest fails the camera can be redirected to another of circa twenty other Heron or Little Egret nests nearby.

To see the birds in person you can also join FoSL’s “Heron and Egret Watch” event on March 24th. Full event details are at