Apply for coronavirus Restart Grant by 30th June

Apply for coronavirus Restart Grant by 30th June

Three Rivers District Council (TRDC) have been given substantial funds by the Government to give grants to help businesses that have been impacted from the Covid lockdowns.  TRDC still have a considerable sum left, which they need to allocate before the end of June...
Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

GOV.UK Coronavirus HCC Coronavirus – Service Updates and Guidance for Residents and Businesses TRDC latest information on Coronavirus and council services TRDC Support for Residents during Covid-19 TRDC Request Support Form if you need support for food, essential...
National Census 2021

National Census 2021

The National Census Day is Sunday 21st March.   The Office for National Statistics (ONS) explain here the importance of the census and how everyone can be safely counted in the context of the coronavirus pandemic.   This will be a digital-first census, which means...

New fencing to protect our Parade flower beds

Our Parade flower beds are starting to show very welcome signs of spring. Unfortunately the plants at the roadside edges suffered from people walking across the beds and drivers treading on plants as they got out of parked cars. Our colleague Lisa took up the...

Another Disappearing Post Box

The red pillar box opposite the Co-op in Lower Road disappeared without public warning this week, and with it the 5pm last collection. Lords, who commendably stepped up to run a community-based post office service when the old Post Office closed, understand a new post...

New Tablets, and free “Tea & Tablet” sessions in the Library

Chorleywood Community Library is delighted to announce the arrival of 3 Samsung Galaxy tablets (Hublets) that are free for members to use in the library. The tablets are ready to browse the internet and preloaded with some commonly used apps (subject to terms &...

Chorleywood Common – Ground Nesting Bird Protection Campaign

Chorleywood Parish Council is launching its annual campaign to promote and protect ground nesting birds on Chorleywood Common, implementing measures from 1 March to 31 July 2025. The initiative focuses on protecting vulnerable species, including the red-listed...

Roughwood Lane – get your free permit!

Thanks to our November newsletter item lots of Chorleywood residents were able to respond to Bucks County Council’s consultation on closing Roughwood Lane to all vehicles, except for access. We’re pleased to say Bucks CC took note, and have decided on a much better...

Old Shire Lane – good news, wellies no longer needed soon!

As we reported last June, the top of Old Shire Lane from Piggy Lane to Philipshill Wood has been so damaged by vehicles that it’s often impassable for walkers without wellies after rain – deeply flooded from hedge to hedge. It’s a bridleway with motorised...

Chorleywood station car park – Postscript

We’re pleased to see that the lights were adjusted to shine downwards, after we reported the residents’ 3rd degree spotlight effect and had an onsite meeting with Saba to demonstrate the problem. It’s a big improvement. Unfortunately the posts are so high that...

CRA Planning and Licence application updates

As you know, we issue a twice-monthly newsletter on planning applications, to keep you aware of applications in Chorleywood in time for you to comment to TRDC if you wish. Don’t forget we recently added important licensing applications to the Planning Update...

Council seeks more land for new Local Plan

Landowners are being asked by Three Rivers District Council to suggest unused urban or greenfield sites to be considered by the council for possible allocation of homes, infrastructure and commercial development. The council is searching for previously developed land...

Call for volunteers for Neighbourhood Plan

Chorleywood Parish Council will commence the five-year review of the Chorleywood Neighbourhood Development Plan in March this year. The Plan is a key document in ensuring future development in the Parish meets the needs of the its residents and is sympathetic to the...