If you’re no longer working full-time, why not join the 400 members of Chorleywood u3a who benefit from social events and interest groups ranging from art appreciation to walks with pub lunch? You’re invited to a free taster at the next main monthly event when the entertaining raconteur and best-selling author Charlie Haylock will look behind the scenes of the Netflix film “The Dig” on which he was the Suffolk dialect coach.
Charlie, who is a fascinating spoken English historian and authority on dialects, is making his third visit to our u3a. Expect an intriguing and sometimes hilarious talk about the film of the famous Sutton Hoo burial ship and the people involved, particularly local archaeologist Basil Brown, played by Ralph Fiennes, and landowner Edith Pretty, played by Carey Mulligan.
“Charlie and The Dig” is on Wednesday, August 28, 2.30-4pm at the Memorial Hall. No need to book. There will be refreshments after the talk and a chance to chat to members and find out more about the u3a.
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