Local Plan

The full results of the Regulation 18 Consultation on the new Local Plan are now available and over 90% of responses supported the adoption of the Low Growth / Green Belt Protection option. Whilst this will mean that there will be some development on Green Belt, it is...

Green Street

No date for the applications to develop housing to the east of Green Street to be considered by the Three Rivers Planning Committee is, as yet, available but work is continuing in assessing the applications. It appears that Hertfordshire Highways are still evaluating...

District Council Reduces Housing Target to Protect Green Belt

As featured in the 20th June 2023 Planning Update ________________________________________ Local Residents’ Associations, both individually and through the Three Rivers Joint Residents Association, have been lobbying all levels of government for over three years to...

Housing Number for Local Plan

Following commitment from Three Rivers District Council to prepare a new Local Plan with lower new home numbers than derived from the Standard Methodology, we were concerned to see a Council response to a question at a recent Full Council meeting which stated that the...

Land East of Green Street – Update January 2023

The Council’s assessment of the Green Street applications is still ongoing. Any decision on these applications will have to be made by the full Planning Committee. It now seems that the earliest date that the applications will be considered is at the April meeting due...

New Local Plan – Update January 2023

Along with other Residents’ Associations in the district, we have been working hard to convince TRDC to reduce the number of new homes planned for in the new Local Plan so as to protect Green Belt whilst still providing the true number of homes needed to meet local...