The consultation window for the two applications on the east side of Green Street has now closed. It is good to see that a large number of residents have submitted their comments to the council with regard to these applications.

Details of the Residents Association’s response to the most recent consultation on the additional documentation provided can be found here . You can also find the Chorleywood Parish Council’s response at .
In the responses from Statutory Consultees, it is interesting to see that Thames Water have further confirmed the Association’s concerns about capacity of the sewage network. Thames Water have included a requirement that any new houses built should not be occupied until capacity issues of the sewage network are resolved.
It is now expected that, in April or May, the applications will be considered by the TRDC Planning Committee at a preliminary “Issues” meeting, where councillors can raise questions / concerns to be further investigated, with a decision to be made at a meeting later in the year. As soon as we know the dates of these meetings we will provide further information to residents, including how to attend the meetings.